Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Review In The Raw 12-10-12: Do not adjust your sets. You HAVE see this all before.

Segment 1. Dolph Ziggler: A Career Retrospective

- How eerily symbolic was Dolph's little demonstration? He does all the work to climb the ladder of success, only to get completely overshadowed by the two big men and be sent toppling back to the ground. Welcome back to reality, Dolph!

- Still not crazy about the way they're booking Sheamus. I wrote a post entitled "Where Have All The Good Guys Gone?" for SPINEBUSTER.com (back when they were still up and running) and may have to recreate it here. The gist of it though was, why does WWE expect us to cheer for hypocritical babyfaces who act like heels? Sheamus is a terrific example of this. He tries to come across as a noble warrior and a hero, yet his entire babyface run has been built on sneak attacks and Pearl Harbor jobs. I have nothing against a babyface employing such tactics, but only if they're honest about it the way "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was. As a fan you were never surprised when he took a short cut to win a match because that's who he was. He was The Rattlesnake. D.T.A., you stupid piece of trash et cetera, et cetera!

Anyhow, before I dwell too long on this subject, just keep that little nugget of truth in the back of your mind because you're going to see it play out as a recurring theme in tonight's show.

- Here's my problem, the purpose of this segment was soley to sell tickets and pay-per-view buys for TLC. As a fan, I don't want to see Sheamus win so why would I want to watch? I wouldn't mind seeing Big Show retain the belt but they already had a very good wrestling match at Hell In A Cell that Show won. Are they really going to top that beating each other with chairs?

I don't want to see Cena win Dolph's MITB briefcase. The only way Dolph will win is if there's interference of some kind so why would I want to watch a match that Ziggler will carry only to end up with a shitty payoff? I don't.

- This is what you call a good ol' fashioned FAIL! To his credit, Big Show was strong on the mic.

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 2. Wade gets got.

- Vickie Guerrero is a very good performer. Say what you want about being tired of her but I'm not. She gets a reaction and that's what you want in a wrestling show.

- Normally I wouldn't mind R-Truth getting a "flash" win over Wade Barrett like that but on the Raw before a pay-per-view? Wade is the one that has been built strong on Raw in the weeks leading up to his match at TLC with Kofi. Why have him lose now? This could've been done a couple of weeks ago if you wanted to throw Truth a bone and give him a cheap win. Not a deal-breaker, but a poor decision for sure.

If they were going to have Wade lose, at least follow it up with a backstage interview where he blows off the loss. Or have him attack R-Truth to exact a measure of revenge. ANYTHING just to make him look strong on the way out. Again, if the idea is to sell the pay-per-view, methinks they be going about it all wrong.

- Remember what I said about supposed white meat babyfaces acting like heels? We had another example in Kofi taking a cheap shot on Wade. Kofi, you're the champion. You're the good guy. Why would you jump someone who a) just had a match, b) just lost said match, and c) is at the challenger's disadvantage on Sunday? And why the hell should I be cheering you for doing it? I'm not. Go to hell, Kofi. Or Ghana, West Africa. Whichever's closer.

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 3. AJ is a pervert.

- Just when I thought WWE was going to listen to its audience and let the John Cena-AJ romance angle die of natural causes, here they are trying to revive it again. We hate John Cena. We love AJ. We don't want someone we HATE macking on someone we LOVE.

I understand the logic behind trying to keep Cena "in the mix" by involving him with those who are relevant, but I think there are better ways to do that than by forcing an angle on their fans that is clearly going nowhere.

- The tag team fatal four-way was basically a formality.

Last Word: MINUS -


- Surprised to see Cody back so soon from injury but whoever put the match together did it right. Cody looked tremendous in picking up the win for his team.

- Also give props to whoever had the idea to book the Usos so strong. It always gives cause to us old-schoolers to get optimistic about a resurgence in tag team wrestling when we see a match like this. However, with makeshift teams like Rhodes Scholars, Mysterio & Sin Cara, and Team Hell No in the top spots, not sure there's room for teams like the Usos even though they are clearly over with the fans.

Not that the Usos need to win the Tag Team Titles or anything. But just having them featured more often in matches against the top teams or even Primo and Epico, would be a refreshing break from the norm.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 5. That wave looks familiar. Where have I seen it before?

- Opening narration. Mysterious rogue group attacking members of the roster. And now the princess wave. What else is WWE going to admit that TNA has done right?
It's a great gimmick for a heel ladies' champion. While we're on the subject so is that "photo shoot" routine Eve did at the end of her match with Alicia Fox.

My question is, why can't these ideas be given to a woman who can actually wrestle? I realize Beth Phoenix isn't the glamor puss that Eve is, but she can at least put on a decent match. You mean to tell me these gimmicks wouldn't have worked just as well for her? Maybe Eve is just that ambitious and she's coming up with these things herself but if not, creative needs to quit catering to these Runway Rejects and start investing in women who can actually deliver a payoff once it's time to get in the ring. I still say there's a untapped market of young female fans longing for real female athletes that they can look up to.

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 6. More symbolism can't silence the fans.

- Just like the example of Ziggler's ladder toppling over, how about WWE Champion CM Punk having to hobble out on crutches? His entire reign as champion has always seemed a bit hobbled.

One thing that can't be denied though is that CM Punk is over with the fans. He got a resounding ovation with his line "working more days than anyone else." The fans believe it because they see it. In spite of his and Paul Heyman's attempts to insult the fans and play the heel role, I think the fans are smart enough to appreciate that he's in his comfort zone now. I didn't like him either when he was trying to be "Cena Lite" as the babyface champion because it clearly wasn't what he was good at. But fans appreciate a performer playing their role well whether it's as a heel or a face. And right now, fans are appreciating CM Punk.

- Was it just me or did it seem like they cut him off to soon? His promo just seemed to end awkwardly. Still, it was good, and I liked that he started building toward his match with The Rock. That is one I would pay money to see.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 7. Somebody change the CD. It's skipping.

- Sheamus vs. Dolph. It's Sheamus vs. Dolph. Sheamus vs. Dolph. This is why they make such a big deal anytime two Superstars are in a match and HAVE NEVER FACED EACH OTHER ONE-ON-ONE BEFORE. Because even they know that they keep giving us the same matches on TV over and over and over again.

Not that Sheamus vs. Dolph is a bad match. It's always good. But how many damn times can we watch it just to see the same fucking result??

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 8. The Diesel Effect.

- It happened twice tonight. The babyface kicks out of a move that should've beaten anybody. The crowd's response? "BOOOOOOOOOO!" The Superman shit just needs to go away already. Especially now that kayfabe is dead. Fans know the only reason Sheamus gets to kick out is because he's the "good guy" and they recognize when a move should win a match, especially when someone like Ziggler is working his ass off.

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 9. Midget porn.

- Have to give credit where it's due. The segment with Vickie, Hornswoggle and Khali was funny.

- The Shield's Joker-esque "manifesto" was okay. I hate seeing things that have the potential to be great, come up just a little short of that. Still, it accomplished the goal of adding to The Shield's reputation.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 10. Pretty sure even the radio knows Zack Ryder's no longer relevant.

- Once upon a time, Zack Ryder would've gotten a HUGE ovation in New Jersey. Now? Crickets. I guess it's possible for him to become relevant again if he's given another push. Just not sure if the stars will ever align the way they did for him a year ago when he was on a roll with his internet show and making backstage cameo appearances. Not that I'm a mark for Zack Ryder. It's just a shame that all the work he did to get himself over was sacrificed on the altar of the WWE's Golden Nugget.

- The fans clearly could've cared less about this match and it damn near put me in a coma as a result. Not that the action was bad. But you can't just throw two guys in the ring that nobody cares about...and expect people to care about it!

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 11. Brad Maddox screws AJ (not as hot as it sounds)

- I realize that if dogshit could shit, it would shit this match. But if this had lead to a backstage segment in which Vince tells Maddox that if he wants to be in the spotlight so badly he could have a match at TLC against AJ, I would've marked out hard core!

Sadly, that didn't happen. But at the time, I was optimistic. I hope there's a lot more of Brad Maddox in the future because he's a character that hasn't been done in a while so it's fresh. And I find him to be a charismatic performer.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 12. CHAMPION VERSUS CHAMPION!!!! (And no one cared)

- Not that Kofi vs. Cesaro was a bad match. It was a good match. And I'm glad Cesaro won clean as fuck. But the Intercontinental Champion faces the United States Champion in a one-on-one showdown...and it's just some throw-in "Who cares?" match to fill time?

I'm sorry but that just pisses me off! How about we make some money, build a story behind a match like this, and make the product special instead?

Now that Wade Barrett AND Kofi Kingston both lost on the go-home show before a pay-per-view in meaningless throw-away matches, why should I care about who wins the Intercontinental Title? It's like the past three weeks they've spent building up that encounter to mean something was just pissed away.

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 13. Michael Cole can't hide his hard-on (hey look, three "H's")

- Regardless of everything that was wrong with the way the Cesaro-Kofi match was booked, I have to give props to first of all Michael Cole for actually selling a new talent on commentary, and the WWE for having the right guy win. Must've been a Triple H hire.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 14. Colonel DAMN Sanders

- This is a great example of what's wrong with a three-hour show. This Miz TV segment was very good for everyone invovled. But it should've been happening on next week's Raw. Instead, next week, Team Rhodes Scholars is probably going to have another match that they'll either lose or win that will devalue either themselves or one of the other tag teams.

Again, I understand why the show is three hours. But if we're talking about making the product special and making money long term, I just think stretching things out a little further, making it last a little longer, is the smarter approach. But what do I know, right? I'm just a goon with a keyboard.

- That being said, it was a decent segment. Team Rhodes Scholars handled themselves extremely well. Very happy for Cody Rhodes.

Last Word: PLUS +

Segment 15. I'm here to show the world! Here I am again! Yoo-hoo, here I am again!

- Dolph Ziggler did a fine job on commentary but this was his third appearance in the arena. It just felt like overkill.

- The match was standard John Cena vs. Big Show fare. Not terrible, but again, when it's been done so many times who gives a flying shit?

Last Word: MINUS -

Segment 16. What do you know? Less IS more!

- The loudest ovations of the night came for the people we saw the least during the show. Team Hell No came out to a HUGE pop. And then of course, the fans worked themselves into a frenzy for Ryback, who the company continues to handle well.

If the philosophy is, sell the main event, then WWE is doing a good job because they have certainly done that.

Last Word: PLUS +


After two weeks of breaking even, we've had a first mostly negative Raw in a month.

My chief points of praise:

- Ryback and Team Hell No are hot enough that even though they haven't done a great job of building up The Shield, they've done enough with the babyfaces to get people to care about TLC and probably order it.
- Some of the young heels like Sandow and Antonio Cesaro continue to be booked strong. At least on Raw.

My chief complaints:

- Too many matches that we've either seen way too many times before or don't care about.
- Illogical booking that did nothing to build interest in upcoming pay-per-view matches like Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett.
- Three hours results in way too much filler being needed which results in throw-away matches or segments that could've been used more effectively on a future show. Thus, resulting in a show that is mostly bad.

It's not like WWE isn't doing anything right. But when you have to sit through three fucking hours just to get half a good show it's a little maddening because we've all got better things to do with our time. I really don't need that much wrestling. I can be just as satisfied with a show that's an hour and half and gets me to care about the product to the point that I might actually order the upcoming pay-per-view.

Because I love wrestling, I don't always need to be sold on a pay-per-view. But speaking strictly from a fan's perspective who is deciding on what to do with his dollars during the holiday season, I just feel like interest in TLC could've been generated more efficiently with this particular episode of Raw.

That's the last word for now, beanbags. Until next time.....DISCUSS!

[Our intrepid author is mentioned regularly on his favorite wrestling shows The Shining Wizards Wrestling Podcast and Turnbuckle Throwbacks. Follow him on Twitter, @DansLastWord.]

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